August 14, 2014
Upon Lurleen Wallace’s death in May of 1968, Lt. Governor Albert Brewer moved up to Governor. Brewer was no novice to state government. He came to…
August 07, 2014
After Ryan De Graffenreid’s plane crash and death in February of 1966 the Governor’s race was wide open. De Graffenreid would have been governor in a…
July 31, 2014
If race was a major issue in 1958, being the racist candidate in 1962 was the only way to be elected governor. With this issue in hand and Wallace’s…
July 24, 2014
The 1962 Governor’s Race really began in 1958. The Governor’s office and the race for it was the big show in Alabama politics in that era. Being a…
July 17, 2014
As the 1958 Governor’s race dawned the shadow of Big Jim Folsom loomed over the scene. Even though Big Jim could not be on the ballot, because the…
July 10, 2014
If you think the turnout was low for the June 3 primary, “then you ain’t seen nothing yet.” The runoff primary is next Tuesday. The prognostication…
July 03, 2014
When talk turns to politics in Alabama it usually leads to the Governor’s race. It does not matter if the Governor’s race is four years away,…
June 26, 2014
A recent Fortune magazine article ranks Alabama as one of the top ten states when it comes to corruption. We were ranked number six. The rankings…
June 19, 2014
There is an old adage that says the more things change the more they remain the same. This is certainly apropos for this year’s primary elections. On…
June 12, 2014
The big news out of last week’s political primaries is that there was no news. The results of every race came down almost precisely as was……