Steve Flowers

“Inside the Statehouse with Steve Flowers” is Alabama’s leading political column. It is published weekly in over 60 Alabama newspapers and has a circulation of over 360,000. Having served 16 years in the Alabama State Legislature, Steve brings a unique perspective to Alabama politics.

“Inside the Statehouse with Steve Flowers” covers the state political scene each week in an entertaining and informative fashion. The weekly column also takes its readers down “Memory Lane” with Alabama’s rich and colorful political history.

September 11, 2024 – Remembering 9/11

It was 23 years ago on September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked our country. It was a day in infamy and a wakeup call for America. Allow me to share some memories from that day from famous Alabama political figures. The legendary Alabama political icon, Bill Baxley, was and is now one of the state’s top lawyers. He was trying a case in Guntersville at the Marshall County Courthouse.  The lawyers were making their opening arguments, and someone came into the courtroom to tell them that a plane had flown into the New York World Trade Center.  They adjourned court and the lawyers went back to an office in the courthouse and to watch. the developments on television. Baxley and the other lawyers actually saw the second and most devastating plane hit the buildings. They could not believe…

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September 4, 2024 – Alabama Politics has been affected by Presidential Assassination Attempts

America has a long history of presidential assassinations and assassination attempts. The two most notable, as well as history changing, were the…

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August 28, 2024 – Labor was Dominant in Post-War Alabama

As we prepare for Labor Day this coming Monday, it reminds me how labor union laden Alabama was during the immediate post World War II era in our…

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In addition to his weekly newspaper column, Steve Flowers brings his expertise to radio and television shows throughout the state.

Twitter | @SteveFlowersAL

“This Week in Alabama Politics” is a 10 minute weekly show produced by Troy University television. His 30 minute show, “Alabama Politics” features statewide political figures and can be viewed every Thursday and Friday night on public television. Alabama Politics can be viewed in Montgomery and Autauga County viewing areas Monday through Friday at 7:30 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. on channels 43 and 96.

Steve also appears regularly on television stations WAKA, CBS 8 – Montgomery and CBS 42 – Birmingham as their political analyst.

Steve’s radio show, “This Week in Alabama Politics”, is aired every Saturday at 4:35 on TROY Public Radio. It is also syndicated statewide and can be heard over 21 commercial stations throughout the state.

Of Goats and Governors – Six Decades of Colorful Alabama Political Stories

Get Your Copy Today!

The new book from Steve Flowers, Of Goats and Governors – Six Decades of Colorful Alabama Political Stories, is now available for sale. It will be enjoyable reading for anyone interested in Alabama political history. The book is published by NewSouth Books, an independent publishing house specializing in regional books of national interest.