June 16, 2021 – Prison Issue Unresolved
There were two major issues not resolved during the just completed regular legislative session. Gambling and prisons were left on the table and up…
June 9, 2021 – Politics Never Ends in Alabama
We are all looking forward to next year’s gigantic political cavalcade. The 2022 elections in Alabama will be momentous. We will have an open U.S.…
June 2, 2021 – Session Ends: Gambling Left on the Table
The 2021 Legislative Session is in the books. I would rate it a success. When you pass budgets that are balanced, any session is a success. In…
May 26, 2021 – George Wallace Stories
A good many of you enjoyed the George Wallace story I shared with you a few weeks ago. Allow me to reminisce and share two more funny Wallace era…
May 19, 2021 – Status of 2022 U.S. Senate Race
When Senator Richard Shelby announced he would not run for reelection to a sixth six-year term in 2022, speculation immediately began as to who would…
May 12, 2021 – How Will Alabama Fare in Washington after Richard Shelby
Some of you have inquired how Alabama will fare in Washington after Senator Shelby retires at the end of 2022. The answer is that it will be nothing…
May 5, 2021 – Some Legislative Issues
The 2020 legislative regular session is wrapping up. After this week’s two-days of meeting days, only one final legislative day remains on May 17.…
April 28, 2021 – Who Are the Nine People Who Sit on Our State Supreme Court?
This week allow me to share with you a sketch of the men and women who sit on our State Supreme Court. These nine Justices are all Republican, all…
April 21, 2021 – State Supreme Court often forgotten in Alabama
Our 1901 Alabama Constitution replicates the United States Constitution in designing a triumvirate of government. The Executive, Legislative and…
April 14, 2021 – Reapportionment and Gerrymandering
Hopefully, you participated in the census last year. It is vitally important for each state that every person is counted. One of the first premises…