June 27, 2013
Five days before Christmas in 1976 a beautiful, bright Birmingham-Southern coed named Quenette Shehane was going to a convenience store near her home…
June 20, 2013
Alabama’s beleaguered budgets could receive some relief if congress passes legislation to allow states to collect the online sales taxes due them.…
June 13, 2013
The 2013 Legislative Session is now history. The super Republican majority has continued their conservative march to the sea leaving dissident…
June 06, 2013
The 2013 legislative session has come to an end. Our legislature, both the House and Senate, is Republican controlled. In fact, both chambers have…
May 30, 2013
Historically, the legislature has not been a good stepping stone to governor. In fact, Robert Bentley is the only person in modern Alabama political…
May 23, 2013
As the third regular legislative session of the quadrennium draws to an end let us look at the makeup of the new super Republican majority. As we…
May 16, 2013
We are at the end of the third regular legislative session of this quadrennium. They are closing in on the culmination of their four-year terms. This…
May 09, 2013
On the night of the November 2010 elections I was in my regular post as the political analyst for the Montgomery CBS affiliate WAKA Channel 8. Around…
May 02, 2013
As the world turns in Alabama politics, the 2013 Legislative Session is in the stretch run. The waning days will see the final passage of the 2014…
April 25, 2013
As the 2013 regular legislative session winds down, let us review some highlights. One of the highlights was a lowlight. It did not happen on the…