October 22, 2010
Alabama’s high courts are about as Republican as any elected tribunals in the country. We have six criminal appeals court judges and all six are…
October 15, 2010
Without a doubt the Governor’s Race is always the marquee political show every four years. This year is no exception. However, there is another…
October 08, 2010
In 1876 when the southern states wrestled free of the shackles of Reconstruction, one thing was certain. The South would not vote for any Republican.…
October 01, 2010
If Robert Bentley wins the governor’s race in five weeks he will be the first legislator in the course of state history to ascend directly from the…
September 24, 2010
One would have to wonder what our current governor and legendary governor, Big Jim Folsom, have in common. Riley is quiet and calculating whereas Big…
September 17, 2010
Unlike Britain we do not have royalty who have historically inherited political positions of power. However, you would not think there was much…
September 10, 2010
Much like business opportunities the old adage of being at the right place at the right time rings very true in politics. Timing and picking the…
September 03, 2010
As we approach the Labor Day weekend it reminds me of bygone days in Alabama politics. Labor Day was the biggest campaign day of a gubernatorial…
August 27, 2010
The new governor, whoever is elected this year, when they enter the Governor’s office in January of 2011 will be walking onto the deck of the…
August 20, 2010
Political polling may not be an exact science. However, a poll today conducted by a professional top notch firm can most times be taken to the bank.…