June 22, 2005
Tip O’Neal, the famous old Irish political pol who represented Boston for three decades in Congress and rose to become Speaker of the U.S. House of…
June 15, 2005
As mentioned last week, the race for 2006 campaign dollars begins this month. It is my belief that Political Action Committees, which are the largest…
June 08, 2005
The bell has rung to begin fundraising for next year’s 2006 Election. Alabama’s law allows candidates to begin raising campaign money one year prior…
June 01, 2005
The just completed Regular Session of the Legislature frankly was a failure. The only thing the Constitution requires the Legislature to do is pass…
May 18, 2005
In the expected face-off battle between Bob Riley and Roy Moore in the 2006 Republican Primary for Governor, Riley won the opening salvo with the…
May 11, 2005
Many of you seemed to enjoy my story about Miss Mittie last week and her legendary prowess as the oracle of Goat Hill. She was such a peculiar…
May 04, 2005
As a youngster I spent my summers working as a Page in the State Legislature. It was an invaluable learning experience and a glimpse into the world…
April 27, 2005
As mentioned last week, two Democrats, Don Siegelman and Lucy Baxley, have geared up for the 2006 Governor’s Race. They will fight it out in the June…
April 20, 2005
The early jockeying for position has already begun in earnest for the 2006 Governor’s Race. It is none too soon, as qualifying will be well under way…
April 06, 2005
In every Legislative Session there arises a surprise or sleeper issue which surfaces as a major headline grabber almost out of the blue. This year is…