November 07, 2007
Even though Barack Obama is giving Hillary Clinton a challenge in the democratic race it appears that she will be tough to beat. She has been the…
October 31, 2007
The new political professionals who run campaigns today are highly paid hired guns. They go from state-to-state running U.S. senate and governors’…
October 24, 2007
As a young boy I was fascinated with politics. I would devour political history with an insatiable appetite. At the same time I developed a close…
October 17, 2007
As mentioned to you numerous times in this column the State of Alabama revenues are divided into two major funds. Unlike many of our sister states,…
October 10, 2007
Historically congressional and legislative districts have been redrawn every ten years when new census figures are taken. However, the U.S. Supreme…
October 03, 2007
Rumors are that Gov. Riley still plans to call a special legislative session for late October. An extraordinary session of the legislature is…
September 26, 2007
Several weeks ago I commented on the mean-spirited nature of politics today. There is a vicious, pervasive, take no prisoners, warfare mentality…
September 19, 2007
Three Alabama political icons from the 1960’s passed away in late summer. They all three lived long lives and their memories are indelibly planted…
September 12, 2007
Very seldom will I venture a prediction on a major race like president, especially over a year out and with each party having ten candidates openly…
September 05, 2007
While a student at the University of Alabama I had the opportunity to intern with the Dean of Students, Dr. Joab Thomas. A few years later Dr. Thomas…