March 11, 2011
The historic partisan sea change that occurred in Alabama last November has been chronicled. However, the magnitude of the shift does not hit home…
March 04, 2011
As the Legislature begins the first Regular Session of the quadrennium this week, they face the daunting task of crafting a state budget demolished…
February 25, 2011
One of the most humorous and entertaining political orators we have witnessed in Alabama political lore was our former U.S. Senator Howell Heflin.…
February 18, 2011
Many times I marvel at the magnitude of brilliance displayed by our founding fathers in their drafting of our Constitution and basic governmental…
February 10, 2011
The first legislative regular session of the quadrennium is looming. Our new Republican led majority House and Senate will convene on March 1 for the…
February 04, 2011
The overwhelming Republican tidal wave that engulfed the South in November basically washed away every white conservative Democrat in the region. The…
January 27, 2011
When I am an old man and reminisce stories of years gone by with any young folks who will listen to stories that old men generally tell over and over…
January 20, 2011
Those of us who are over 50 years old have witnessed and been a part of one of the most profound and dramatic changes in American political history.…
January 14, 2011
Last week we discussed the organization of the Alabama State Senate. As a result of the Republican tidal wave that engulfed Alabama in November, the…
January 07, 2011
When the Alabama State Senate meets in organizational session next week it will be the first time since Reconstruction Rule ended 136 years ago that…