July 12, 2012
Most of our modern presidents have been given two terms. The mindset of not changing horses mid-stream prevails. One of the glaring exceptions was…
July 05, 2012
Recently a good friend and reader asked me about one of Alabama’s most interesting governor’s races. The 1978 gubernatorial contest was truly one of…
June 28, 2012
As promised, the legislature revisited their much publicized Immigration Law during the just completed Regular Session. They said they were going to…
June 21, 2012
Ever since Roy Moore’s surprising victory in the March Republican primary a hue and cry has arisen from some mostly upscale GOP and Independent…
June 14, 2012
The U.S. Constitution requires each state to redistrict their congressional districts every 10 years. That is why the U.S. Census is taken every…
June 07, 2012
The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary sponsor one of finest programs for high school students in Alabama. Boys State and Girls State…
May 31, 2012
At the conclusion of each annual session of the Legislature I am invariably asked to grade the legislators’ performance and assess the…
May 24, 2012
The two prominent political trials in Alabama in the past few years have boiled down to one paramount issue, “Is it bribery or is it politics?” In…
May 17, 2012
All of the horses are in the barn for the fall derby. They are resting awaiting the opening gun. The official start of the fall campaign begins on…
May 10, 2012
On the morning of the March 13 Alabama GOP Primary, former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore rode his horse to the polls to vote. As the day wore on it…