March 12, 2015
The Common Core education topic is not only a hot political issue in Alabama, it has become a political football nationwide and it appears to be a…
March 05, 2015
The first regular legislative session of the quadrennium has begun. Legislators have arrived in Montgomery for their three and a half month session…
February 26, 2015
The first legislative session of the quadrennium convenes next week. It is no secret that the state is broke. Fiscal problems left over from the…
February 19, 2015
The legislature and the governor are preparing for the first Regular Session of the quadrennium. The Session will begin March 3. Legislators need to…
February 12, 2015
As the legislature and governor prepare for the upcoming initial legislative session of the quadrennium, they are facing ominous and obvious…
February 05, 2015
The legislature completed their week long organizational session last month with very little fanfare or controversy. They will get to work on…
January 29, 2015
The most pressing problem facing the governor and legislature as they enter this new quadrennium is the financial shortfall in the General Fund…
January 22, 2015
Dr. Robert Bentley was inaugurated Monday as our governor for the second time. He and his lovely wife, Diane, are good people. When you get to be my…
January 15, 2014
Throughout Alabama political history, certain cities, counties and enclaves have had a proclivity for having an inordinate number of their citizenry…
January 08, 2014
During the 2010 Governor’s Race, I continuously made the statement that whomever won the 2010 Governor’s Race would be a one-term governor. My…