September 14, 2016
There is no truer adage in the political world than “all politics is local.” therefore, the best politics and the best governing in the state is at…
September 07, 2016
Throughout this year’s prodigious presidential selection process our junior senator, Jeff Sessions, has been at the forefront. He has become the…
August 31, 2016
With Labor Day approaching it signifies that the long hot summer will soon be coming to an end. It seems that the summers are getting hotter and…
August 24, 2016
In 1960 television was a new medium. Most Americans did not have televisions in the early 1950’s. However, by 1960 the majority of the country had…
August 17, 2016
Political experts and historians have consistently chronicled the fact that vice presidential choices has no significant effect on the presidential…
August 10, 2016
As anticipated, a special Legislative Session has been called by Governor Robert Bentley. The Session is set to begin this Monday, August 15. Dr.…
August 03, 2016
Now that the national conventions are over and we have had a glimpse of what to expect in the upcoming fall presidential contest, let us turn our…
July 27, 2016
As we have watched and participated in the presidential foray this entire year, an equally important event occurred. The death of U.S. Supreme Court…
July 20, 2016
Sometimes when I observe national politics I am enthralled by the magnificent creation of our American government. When our forefathers founded our…
July 13, 2016
As if we have not been inundated enough with politics this year, hold on to your seats. Over the next few weeks that is all you will hear, read or…