June 10, 2020 – Senate Runoff Resumes with Trump and Sessions in a Twitter Battle
The U.S. Senate runoff between former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville and former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was put on hold by the…
June 3, 2020 – Stellar Group Studying Gambling in the State
Another legislation session has passed, and Alabama still has no lottery. Actually, the legislature does not in itself have the authority to pass a…
May 27, 2020 – Mike Hubbard Conviction Finally Upheld
Over the past four years during my travels and speaking events over the state, the most asked question posed to me has been, “Why in the world is…
May 20, 2020 – Speaker Sam Rayburn and Congressman Bob Jones
The legendary Speaker of the U.S. House, Sam Rayburn, coined a famous phrase he used often and imparted to young congressmen when they would arrive…
May 13, 2020 – The 1965 Special Succession Session
The legislature meets in regular session every year for three-and-a-half months. However, an extraordinary special session can be called by the…
May 6, 2020 – Budget is Priority Number One for Legislative Session. The Governor Proposes and the Legislature Disposes – However, Kay Ivey has Input
The 2020 Regular Legislative Session has resumed after a six-week hiatus due to the coronavirus shutdown of the state and nation. The session must…
April 29, 2020 – Alabama Leaders Under 45 Who Affect the Political Arena
Last week I discussed Alabama’s outstanding leaders in the political arena. This week allow me to share with you some of the state’s leaders under…
April 22, 2020 – Alabama has some outstanding Political Leaders under 45
Many of you have lamented to me that it appears that all or most of our state political leaders are older folks. On first glance, that appears to be…
April 15, 2020 – Allow me to share some more observations from the year.
One of my favorite people in the world and one of the finest gentlemen I have ever known is State Representative Steve Clouse of Ozark. My…
April 8, 2020 – Some Observations
Allow me to share some observations from the year thus far. First of all, I have never seen anything like the coronavirus shutdown of the country.…