August 10, 2022 – Jim Oakley
A legend in Alabama newspaper, educational, and political lore, Jim Oakley of Centreville, turned 87 last month. Jim is known statewide as the…
August 3, 2022 – Big Jim’s Show in 1962 Governor’s Race
The 1962 Governor’s Race was between George Wallace, James “Big Jim” Folsom, and newcomer Ryan DeGraffenreid, a state senator from Tuscaloosa.…
July 27, 2022 – 1962 Governor’s Race
It is hard to believe it has been 60 years since George Wallace’s first victorious race for governor. Let’s go down memory lane and reminisce about…
July 20, 2022 – State Legislature will Remain Super Majority Republican
The Alabama Legislature will remain super majority Republican for the next quadrennium. As the dust settles from the May/June party primaries, there…
July 13, 2022 – Women and Young Folks Prevail in 2022
In my observations of Alabama politics, every election year brings an underlying election year surprise or two. The underlying prevailing theme…
July 6, 2022 – Katie Britt won the Senate Race the Old Fashioned Way
Katie Britt won the Republican Senate Primary the old fashioned way. She got out and worked for it and earned it and, folks, she won big. She beat Mo…
June 29, 2022 – Bill Baxley
The 1970 Governor’s Race between George Wallace and Albert Brewer overshadowed every other political race in the state that year. However, one of…
June 22, 2022 – Do Campaign Ads Pander?
During the waning days of the campaigns for Governor and U.S. Senator, I received an inordinate amount of correspondence lamenting the outrageous,…
June 15, 2022 – Katie Britt Favored to Capture Senate Seat
Katie Britt is headed to a likely victory to fill our U.S. Senate seat in next Tuesday’s June 21 runoff. The 40 year old, first time candidate…
June 8, 2022 – Very Impressive High Steppin’ Victory for Governor Ivey
Our popular high steppin’ pistol tottin’ Governor Kay Ivey won a very impressive reelection victory for Governor on May 24. Ivey turned back eight…