As we approach the Labor Day weekend it reminds me of bygone days in Alabama politics. Labor Day was the biggest campaign day of a gubernatorial election year. There were campaign rallies from one end of the state to the other. Although politics today is not as colorful, Labor Day still officially marks the start of the fall election campaign. We will have an eight week sprint to the finish line on November 2.
The gubernatorial nominees are surprise horses in this year’s quest for the open governor’s chair. Robert Bentley and Ron Sparks were not expected to make it to the dance but here they are ready to go. The glaring uniqueness surrounding this year’s contest is the lack of money. Both candidates are having a difficult time raising campaign dough. It is a stark contrast from eight years ago when both Bob Riley and Don Siegelman each raised and spent over $6 million. It is suggested by some that Bentley and Sparks will be lucky to raise and spend $2 million in the upcoming fall contest.
The weak economy accounts for a lot of the fall off of campaign funds. There are also some heavy hitters missing from the lineup of contributors that were on the A-list in 2002. Richard Scrushy was on the scene and even though we now know that he was playing with funny money, he accounted for over $2 million. Bobby Lowder was good for over $1 million so that he could control the governor’s choices for the Auburn Board of Trustees. Lowder is not in jail like Scrushy, but he and his bank have gone by the wayside. Riley’s raids have rendered Milton McGregor hapless and the winners of the bingo monopoly in the state, the Indian gambling bosses, will probably not play in the governor’s race. They got their money’s worth when they bet on Riley in 2002.
Bentley is simply not a good fundraiser. He spent $1.8 million to win the GOP primary, 90% of which was his own money. He is too honest and above board to be a good fundraiser. He will not compromise or promise favors to lobbyists who approach him with a hope for some return on their investment. He will raise some money from the Tuscaloosa area primarily because of their pride in wanting a governor from the Druid City. However, Bentley is so unbending that even the University of Alabama lobbyists cannot count on him to carry the water for their team.
Sparks is coming up short because the deep pocketed Democratic donors are on the sideline. The AEA spent a lot of their money defeating Bradley Byrne in the Republican primary. With that mission accomplished they will now stick to their knitting and concentrate on legislative races. The trial lawyers really have no interest in the governor’s race and, as mentioned, the privately owned gambling interests are dispirited and deeply drained by the Riley vendetta. Therefore, you will see a low key media race with issues being discussed.
The lack of money will bring a refreshing change. You will probably have a remarkably clean above the board campaign with very little if any negative mudslinging.
Both Bentley and Sparks will benefit from a strong friends and neighbors appeal. They both hail from vote rich North Alabama. Bentley will do well in Tuscaloosa and northwest Alabama. Sparks will get a tremendous boost from his bailiwick of northeast Alabama around Sand Mountain.
Sparks’ position on gambling will accrue to his advantage. One area where he will benefit greatly will be in Dothan and the Wiregrass. These folks are still riled up about Riley. They are still simmering over the torpedoing of their Country Crossings venture. Over the past two decades this area has become one of the most reliably Republican enclaves in the state. However, they may very well vote for Sparks. This carve out could make a big difference. The Wiregrass, coupled with the popular Sand Mountain area, which would normally vote heavily Republican, may very well propel Sparks into a competitive contest.
It is also hard to label the Agriculture Commissioner as a liberal. In fact, the entire Democratic slate has a distinct good old boy flavor. It is a ticket comprised of good old boys from North Alabama. You just cannot tie Ron Sparks, Jim Folsom, Steve Raby and James Anderson to Nancy Pelosi. Artur Davis would have been devastating to Democratic hopes. However, Sparks and his team are a different story. It will be a fun eight weeks.
See you next week.

Steve Flowers
Alabama’s premier columnist and commentator, Steve has analyzed Alabama politics for national television audiences on CBS, PBS, ABC and the British Broadcasting Network. Steve has been an up close participant and observer of the Alabama political scene for more than 50 years and is generally considered the ultimate authority on Alabama politics and Alabama political history.