March 28, 2007
At the beginning of every quadrennium and the first regular legislative session year there goes out a hue and cry to revamp or rewrite our antiquated…
March 21, 2007
As we begin the 2007 Regular Session of the Legislature the perennial issues, such as the need for a new Constitution, campaign reform, and prison…
March 14, 2007
The bell has run and the gavel has sounded and the first regular legislative session of the quadrennium has begun. There are monumental issues facing…
March 07, 2007
The Governor’s Special Session called last week to pass incentives to attract a major industry to our state was very successful. It went smoothly…
February 28, 2007
Alabama’s move to have our Presidential Primary early next year, in order to give us a voice in the nominating process, may be overshadowed. It was a…
February 21, 2007
Last week’s column, which chronicled the prowess of our Senior Senator Richard Shelby and his success at garnering extra federal funds for his pet…
February 14, 2007
There has been a lot of Sunday morning quarterbacking among political pundits at to the reasons behind the national Democratic tidal wave that hit…
February 07, 2007
Gov. Bob Riley’s second inauguration went off smoothly. It was truly a family affair. His son Rob Riley, a Birmingham lawyer, swore his father in for…
January 31, 2007
Alabama has never really played much of a role in selecting the candidates that are the Democratic or Republican Party’s nominees for President. We…
January 24, 2007
One of the things that is obvious to astute observers of the political system is how pervasive the abuse of PAC to PAC campaign contributions has…