June 20, 2007
The presidency of George W. Bush will be viewed by history in two different lights. His Iraq blunder has devastated our nation. Besides the thousands…
June 13, 2007
The Alabama Constitution calls for the Legislature to meet every year. The session is to last for 105 days, about three and a half months. It…
May 23, 2007
There is an old saying that when spring is in the air a young man’s interest turns to love, but in Alabama politics a good many people’s interests…
May 16, 2007
Many of you seemed to enjoy my story about Miss Mittie last week and her legendary prowess as the oracle of Goat Hill. She was such a peculiar…
May 09, 2007
Whenever I travel in Alabama I am always asked to retell the story of Miss Mittie. It has been two years since this column appeared but by popular…
May 02, 2007
In observing the ebb and flow of the Legislature during this first session of this four-year cycle, it occurs to me that things are very much status…
April 25, 2007
This year’s Legislative Session is at the midway point and it was moving somewhat smoother than was originally anticipated. However, the partisan…
April 18, 2007
This week’s column is a continuation of the two-week series written by former Governor Albert Brewer who is a proponent of a new state constitution.…
April 11, 2007
This week’s and next week’s columns are written by former Governor Albert Brewer who is a proponent of a new Alabama constitution. For the past…
April 04, 2007
Our 1901 Alabama Constitution is criticized as being outdated and in need of overhaul. Proponents have longed for and worked for a constitutional…