November 19, 2008
The year was 1962. John Kennedy was President. Camelot was in full bloom. Forgotten was the fact that Kennedy’s father Joseph, who had vowed to buy…
November 12, 2008
Now that the dust has settled on the 2008 Election, let’s analyze the results. Barack Obama’s victory is being heralded as the awakening of the new…
November 05, 2008
You have the luxury of knowing the outcome of the Presidential Election as you read this column. However, I am at a disadvantage in that I had to go…
October 29, 2008
The Presidential Election is finally coming to a close. It has probably been an arduous and protracted process for many of you. However, for those of…
October 22, 2008
Most historians agree that the greatest upset in American presidential political history occurred exactly 60 years ago this fall. Harry S. Truman’s…
October 15, 2008
As the Presidential Election draws near, there appear to be signs that a record turnout of votes will be cast. Hopefully we can have a harmonious…
October 08, 2008
The presidential campaign has come a long way since January when two dozen aspirants were trudging through the snow in Iowa and New Hampshire. With…
October 01, 2008
We are down to the proverbial lick log and headed into the homestretch in the 2008 Presidential contest. The protracted race, which began in earnest…
September 24, 2008
The horses are at the starting gate and the presidential horserace is set to begin. It will be a sprint to the finish line. It will be close with…
September 17, 2008
The Republican National Convention was held in Minneapolis last week and John McCain was officially chosen as their presidential nominee. The…