February 22, 2012
Our legislative branch of government is the recipient of many slings and arrows. They, along with members of Congress, are generally at the bottom of…
February 16, 2012
Most political observers were shocked and somewhat in awe when State Senator Scott Beason chose to challenge veteran congressman Spencer Bachus in a…
February 09, 2012
The 2012 Regular Session of the Legislature begins this week. The Republican majority House and Senate produced a prolific amount of conservative…
February 02, 2012
Believe it or not the 2012 election season is upon us. The legislature, in a cost savings measure last year, moved our primaries up to March 13. Our…
January 26, 2012
The second round of the gambling corruption trial begins this Monday in Federal Court in Montgomery. Last year’s first trial ended in a victory for…
January 19, 2012
Last week I discussed the inordinate power that Black Belt senators wielded in the legislature during most of the past century. This power was…
January 12, 2012
Ever since Alabama’s creation as a state in 1819 there has existed a political rivalry between North and South Alabama. This tug of war has mostly…
January 05, 2012
The older you get you realize that old adages you heard as a child are actually accurate such as sayings like “if you have your health you have…
December 29, 2011
As the world turns in Alabama politics another year is fast coming to a close. Dr. Robert Bentley is completing his first year as governor. He…
December 22, 2011
We are in the midst of the holiday season with Christmas just around the corner. However, we are also in political season. Traditionally we have held…