June 14, 2006
The Primary results were very much exactly as expected. There were absolutely no surprises. The polling data projected was right on the mark. Gov.…
June 07, 2006
As you read this column you have the luxury of knowing the outcome of Tuesday’s primary contests. However, due to deadline requirements this column…
May 31, 2006
The Governor’s Race is on in Alabama. It is an every four year event that we cherish and enjoy immensely. Years ago it was the biggest entertainment…
May 24, 2006
As the June 6th Republican and Democratic Primaries approach I am reminded of a bygone era when primary was singular. There was one primary, the…
May 17, 2006
One of the best races formulating within the GOP is the intra party Senate race between veteran Gardendale State Senator Jack Biddle and Gardendale…
May 10, 2006
There is an old political adage that says “money is the mother’s milk of politics.” It is usually a true and valid maxim because the candidate with…
May 03, 2006
The Democratic and Republican primaries are less than five weeks away. This is the first big step towards our biggest prize, the brass ring of…
April 26, 2006
At mid year last year it appeared that at least twelve serious candidates would run for Lt. Governor. However, as the qualification deadline ended…
April 19, 2006
There is an old political saying that nobody’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the Alabama Legislature is in Session. If this adage is true…
April 12, 2006
At the end of each Legislative Session I am reminded of an old saying that “nobody’s life, liberty, or property is safe as long as the Alabama…