February 08, 2017
As the third regular session of this quadrennium begins, the paramount focus once again will be on the budgets. Even more specifically, it will be…
February 01, 2017
During the past couple of months everywhere I go people continually ask me why in the world the legislature could not simply put the issue of whether…
January 25, 2017
Hillary Clinton’s failure to break the proverbial glass ceiling in American politics came up a little short. More than 100 men have been nominated…
January 18, 2017
The passing of Governor Albert Brewer on January 2nd at 88 years old marks the passing of an era in Alabama politics. Albert P. Brewer was a good man…
January 11, 2017
Alabama is going to fare wall under President Trump. There is an old adage that says, “Those that bake the pie get to eat it.” We truly baked the pie…
January 04, 2017
This past year in Alabama politics was surprisingly more interesting than was expected. The judicial inquiry commission removed Supreme Court Chief…
December 28, 2016
At the close of every year my tradition is to acknowledge the passing away of significant political players from the political stage in Alabama. We…
December 21, 2016
Historically speaking, Alabamians have been more interested in the governor’s race than presidential politics. For years, from 1876 to 1964, we were…
December 14, 2016
While the presidential race played out this year, several things happened in Alabama politics that went under the radar. First, a federal appeals…
December 06, 2016
It is Christmas time, and since Alabama is one of the most charitable states in the nation, I would expect that many of us are in the giving mood and…